Australia is a sought-after destination for immigrants from around the world, thanks to its robust economy, high quality of life, and diverse cultural landscape. For many individuals, securing a permanent residency (PR) in Australia is a significant goal, and one pathway to achieve this is through a Partner Visa. This blog post will explore how a Partner Visa affects permanent residency, detailing what a Partner Visa is, the benefits of immigration to Australia, and how the Australia Point System works.

What is the Partner Visa?

The Partner Visa allows individuals to join their Australian citizen or permanent resident partners in Australia. Specifically, it enables couples to build a life together in Australia, starting with a temporary visa that can lead to permanent residency. Initially, applicants apply for the temporary Partner Visa, which grants them the right to live, work, and study in Australia. Subsequently, after meeting the relationship requirements over a designated period, they can transition to the permanent Partner Visa, providing long-term stability and integration into Australian society.

A Partner Visa enables the spouse or de facto partner of an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen to reside in Australia. There are two main stages to this visa:

Temporary Partner Visa (Subclass 820/309): This visa allows you to live in Australia temporarily while your permanent Partner Visa is being processed.

Permanent Partner Visa (Subclass 801/100): The Permanent Partner Visa (Subclass 801/100) offers long-term residency in Australia to eligible applicants. Firstly, holders of the temporary Partner Visa (Subclass 820/309) can apply for this permanent status after meeting specified relationship criteria. Consequently, successful applicants gain unrestricted rights to live and work in Australia indefinitely.

The process typically begins with the temporary visa. As the relationship solidifies over two years, it transitions seamlessly to the permanent visa. Initially, the temporary visa provides a starting point. As time progresses, assuming the relationship remains genuine, applicants can transition seamlessly to the permanent visa. Similarly, this pathway ensures continuity and stability in immigration status.

The Australia Point System

Australia's immigration system is points-based. This assessment considers factors like age, English language proficiency, skilled employment, educational qualifications, and other criteria. In Australia Point System points are awarded based on how well an applicant meets these criteria, and a minimum score is required to be eligible for certain visas.

Applying for a Partner Visa doesn't directly involve the points system. Nonetheless, if you're already in Australia on another visa (like a Skilled Migration Visa), being in a relationship with an Australian citizen or permanent resident can notably affect your total points and your qualification for permanent residency.

Partner Visa and Permanent Residency

Direct Pathway to PR: One of the most straightforward paths to permanent residency in Australia is through the Partner Visa. After successfully obtaining the temporary Partner Visa, the applicant can live, work, and study in Australia. Concurrently, their permanent Partner Visa application is processed. If the relationship remains genuine and ongoing after two years, the applicant is typically granted permanent residency.

Impact on Points-Based Visas: For those applying for points-based visas, such as the Skilled Independent Visa (Subclass 189) or the Skilled Nominated Visa (Subclass 190), having a partner who is an Australian citizen or permanent resident can positively influence your application. Points can be added for having a skilled partner. Which can boost your total points score and increase your chances of receiving an invitation to apply for PR.

Benefits of Immigration to Australia

Immigrating to Australia through a Partner Visa comes with numerous benefits. Here are some key advantages:

Quality of Life: Australia consistently achieves high rankings in global quality of life indices. The country offers excellent healthcare, education, and public services, along with a high standard of living.

Economic Opportunities: Australia boasts a strong economy with low unemployment rates. Immigrants have access to diverse job opportunities in various sectors, including healthcare, engineering, IT, and education.

Cultural Diversity: Moreover, Australia is renowned for its multicultural society. Immigrants from all over the world bring their cultures, traditions, and cuisines, creating a rich and diverse community.

Social Security: Permanent residents in Australia have access to social security benefits, including healthcare services under Medicare and public schooling for children.

Pathway to Citizenship: Permanent residency is a stepping stone to Australian citizenship. After holding PR for a certain period and meeting the residency requirements. you can apply for Australian citizenship, which grants you the right to vote and access to more extensive government benefits.

The Role of Immigration Experts

Navigating the complexities of the Australian immigration process can be challenging. This is where Immigration Experts come into play. These professionals provide valuable assistance in understanding visa requirements, preparing and submitting applications with immigration laws and regulations.

Benefits of Using Immigration Experts

Expert Guidance: Immigration experts are well-versed in Australian immigration laws and policies. Furthermore, they can offer accurate advice and guidance tailored specifically to your situation.

Streamlined Process: With their knowledge and experience, immigration experts can streamline the application process, reducing the chances of errors and delays.

Documentation Support: The preparation of required documentation can often be overwhelming. Immigration experts help ensure that all necessary documents are correctly completed and submitted.

Appeals and Reviews: If your application is denied, immigration experts can assist with appeals and reviews, improving your chances of a favorable outcome.


Securing permanent residency in Australia through a Partner Visa is a viable and attractive option for many individuals. Understanding what a Partner Visa entails, how it affects your chances of gaining PR, and the benefits of immigration to Australia is essential for making informed decisions. By leveraging the expertise of immigration professionals. You can navigate the complexities of the Australian immigration system. Achieve your goal of permanent residency more efficiently.

For individuals aspiring to settle permanently in Australia, the Visa provides a straightforward pathway. Moreover, it comes with numerous advantages, aligning with the appealing lifestyle and opportunities in this dynamic and prosperous nation. Additionally, from access to quality healthcare and education to a diverse cultural experience, Australia offers a welcoming environment for families and individuals alike. Meanwhile, the Visa not only facilitates integration into Australian society but also ensures stability and growth, moreover. Making it a preferred choice for those seeking long-term residency and a fulfilling life down under.