Citizenship Minister Acknowledges Perks to Migrants in the Rural Regional Areas
A blend of fresh visa environment and brand new enticement was acknowledged by the Turnbull government to stimulate the migrants to settle permanently in the regional and rural areas, as per Alan Tudge – the citizenship minister. Mr Tudge has been encouraging the changes to hold on the migrants since May. Specific visas have been designed to allure the skilled workers from worldwide to the regions. But the home affairs data unveiled in the close Senate hearing brought out the fact that 10% of those migrants were immigrating to the cities within the period 18 months.
So it is a matter of concern and a question mark that the similar perks will be provided further to the new migrants who want to move to the tiny states like South Australia according to Mr Tudge. With that add on scenarios to those visas the migrant can peacefully reside for few years, where they make their permanent home prior becoming a citizen. The Turnbull government states that it is looking forward for growth in the regional population, with developing economies reducing the pressure from Sydney and Melbourne. There are many parts of the country who want population growth and more jobs to support the same – Mr Tudge added. The reforms and reports of the regional visas of Australia can associate a broad population policy that will soon to cabinet.