Canada aims to add over 400,000 immigrants in the coming years, an estimated 50,000 increase compared to the previous targets


The country has set new targets to welcome a total of 401,000 skilled immigrants in the year 2021, 411,000 in 2022 and yet another 421,000 professionals in 2023.


The Government of Canada recently announced its immigration Levels Plan for 2021-23 where it has projected to target the highest level of skilled and economic immigration in its complete history.


Over the forthcoming years, Canada has a clear aim to welcome the new permanent residents and the numbers described below is explicitly conveying the integrity of the Canadian government’s plan:

  • 2021: 401,000 immigrants
  • 2022: 411,000 immigrants
  • 2023: 421,000 immigrants

The last time Canada opened its doors for over 4000,000 immigrants was in the year 1913, when it accepted 401,000 new professional immigrants but has never come close to this figure in the times that followed.


The Immigration Levels Plan for 2021-2021 aims to welcome approximately 60 percent of all migrants through the economic class programs, which prominently includes Express Entry and also the Provincial Nominee Program.


Here, the Immigration Levels Plan is one of the most important immigration announcements being made by the Government of Canada in the year 2020. It highlights that total number of new permanent residents that the country is aiming to welcome in the coming years and what are all those categories in which Canada would be admitting these newcomers. These includes: Economic, family, Refugee and also those belonging to the humanitarian and compassionate grounds.


Due to the closure of borders, induced by the COVID-19 pandemic, Canada g=has fallen short of around 341,000 migrants that were targeted for the year 2020, however it is still holding Express Entry Draws during the pandemic scenario as well that will help the country break its Express Entry Record for this year. In addition to this, the Provincial Nominee Programs (PNP) draws are also announced simultaneously.


Therefore, to compensate for the loss of immigration in this year, Canada has set yet most appealing ambitious immigration plan for the upcoming years.


Plausible reasons for Canada to maintain high immigration levels


Canada is certainly looking forward to maintain high levels of immigration to compensate the negative economic impact of its low birth rate and also the increasing aging population in the country.


Canada has nearly 18 percent of elderly population which accounts for population which aged 65 and above. In addition to this, it also has world’s lowest birth rates with only 1.47 births per female. Duet o which, Canada will certainly face challenges to develop its economy and also for supporting the expenses done by the Government of Canada in the coming future. These challenges can be further removed by admitting more and more immigrants for supporting its labor force and also the potential economic growth.


Till now, Canada has welcomes a minimum of 300,000 immigrants in a year and that also only five times. Therefore, with respect to the current announcement being made, the federal government is all set to welcome 0.9 percent of its total population in the form of immigrants, which in turn is three times higher than the per capita intake of a new immigrant when compared with the United States.


However, in this regard, Canada certainly had maintain a higher per capita intake when assessed with the data of the past, thereby welcoming 1 percent or even more of its total population as newcomers and the same record has been established for the past few decades.


Canada’s immigration record was achieved for the first time in the year 1913 when it welcomed around 401,000 immigrants and which was nearly 5 percent of its population for new immigrants. However, when done in the present scenario the same 5 percent new immigrants would result in addition of 2 million newcomers arriving in Canada.


Impact of COVID-19 on Canadian Immigration


While the total admission targets are increasing, the country is experiencing a drop in the total number of new landings for the permanent residents that are planning to enter into the country in 2020. There were 64 percent less admissions of the new permanent residents in the month of August 2020 when compared with that of August 2019. This is considerably because the total number of people who were being approved for the Canada’s permanent residence but were not able to travel to Canada due to the travel restrictions imposed and also before their immigrations documents would expire.  


Moreover, the public support for the immigration in Canada has also increased in the due course of pandemic, according to one study conducted by the Environics Institute Study, thereby making the country as immigrant-friendly, as it has always been the same. Yet another survey performed by the Association of Canadian Studies revealed that Canadians generally perceive immigration as positive for the long-term economic recovery of the country and also have claimed that family members should be given higher priority for immigration.


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