National minimum wages of employees all over the world vary from country to country. Some of them accord higher wages than other countries. There are certain countries which have tighter rules regarding the minimum wage which in turn ensures higher average of employees’ wage while some countries have strong worker unions. These two reasons are probably why some countries have high average for minimum wages while some countries don’t.
Keeping the survey done by OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) a table has been drawn for top 10 national minimum wages in the world. The data has comprised in terms of hourly wages of each country from the year 2013 and the currency mentioned is of US dollars, converted from other currencies of the countries by using the OECD’s calculation method of Purchasing Power Parity.
The table does not include countries like Denmark, Finland, Austria, Italy, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland as the countries do not follow the federal policy for calculating minimum wages.
Income In Hand
Gross Wage
Income Tax & Other Mandatory Deductions
8.1 %
14.8 %
18.7 %
4.9 %
22.2 %
19.4 %
New Zealand
14.0 %
25.8 %
8.9 %
United Kingdom
10.1 %